Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I suppose I should start by talking a little bit about who I am and where I've come from, followed by why I have decided to write this blog.

My name (for anyone stopping by who doesn't know me) is Leah, and I grew up in Nova Scotia. I am currently living in Calgary, Alberta.

I have struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember - I have dieted, and gone through spurts of working out regularly, only to be distracted by something (new boyfriend, new job, new city, etc etc), always falling back into my old habits.

I joined Alive Personal Training around March, 2009 and it has completely changed my body and my life. The staff there are all incredible, the classes are fantastic - fun AND a great workout, and I have made an amazing group of close-knit friends who all support each other (you know who you are - thanks SO much!). Since I joined Alive, I have lost over 35 pounds which has been fantastic; however, I would like to lose about 20 more and have started to lose my motivation...which is where this blog comes in.

Alive held a nutrition boot camp through November and into the beginning of December, and I found the accountability and structure of weekly challenges really kept me on track with my eating habits. A little friendly competition also really helped motivate me to get off the couch and onto the treadmill. So I thought, why not start another "nutrition boot camp" to keep me on track, and perhaps motivate my friends and family to eat healthier too.

I was reading an article earlier about New Year's resolutions, and why they do not stick, and it mentioned that part of it could be because people make these resolutions as a way to justify overindulging during the Holidays, but then give up once it starts to get difficult (if you are interested in reading the full article, see http://mentalhealth.about.com/od/selfhelp/a/newyears.htm?p=1) so if you are interested in a little friendly competition as motivation to eat healthy, feel free to follow along and please add comments to let me know how things are going!

Just as a disclaimer, I am in no means qualified to be giving nutrition advice; however, I am also not proposing drastic lifestyle changes. I expect that, if anyone at all decides to follow my rants and raves, you fall into one of two categories - either you are already eating healthy and just want a few challenges (or to check out my thoughts on different topics such as the importance of planning and tracking, eating out, sodium, etc etc) or you may be resolving to eat healthier. Take what you will from my journey, and thanks for stopping by!